Successful as a Leader
Are you ready for your leadership success?
You want to …
Lead your team to top performance in order to achieve the company’s goals with a clear vision and strategy,?

Then you’ve come to the right place. In the Fischer Leadership Program, you will receive all the necessary methods and tools to enable you to succeed as a leader.
Do you recognize these challenges?
High levels of stress and overwork
Lack of collaboration and team spirit
Uncertainty and lack of clarity regarding company goals and decisions
Low employee motivation and engagement
Unpleasant work atmosphere due to conflicts and tensions within the team
Lack of innovation and creativity within the company
In transformative 12 weeks unleash leadership potential






You will achieve this with the Fischer Leadership Program:

If this applies to you, you’re in the right place:
You are in the right place if you…
- Are or want to become a leader
- Are or want to become an entrepreneur
- Are the owner or manager of an SME or startup
- Are Head of HR in a company
And you notice that you…
- Are stressed
- Have too little time for your own topics
- Instead, constantly have to solve problems for others
- Have too little time to work on yourself
- Are constantly playing the firefighter
The Human as a Success Factor
As a leader, you shape the corporate culture and significantly influence the success of the company. That’s why, in our training, we take a people-centered approach aimed at:
Foster your understanding of people-centered leadership that lays the foundation for innovation, participation and business growth.

Why the Fischer Leadership Program?


International experience and expertise:

Exchange with other leaders:

Scientifically based:
Your Trainers on the Way
Sabine Fischer & Thomas Pohl

These companies trust our expertise

The leadership task is more challenging today than ever before

Strong Management Strong Company
With the Fischer Leadership Program, we focus on a brain-based approach to Neuroleadership, grounded in the latest scientific findings, which enables quick development steps with sustainable and measurable success in the development of leadership personalities and leadership cultures.

Start your journey to success as a leader now
Then inquire now.
Next program start: March 2025
Do you want to conduct the training within your company?
Then contact us.